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EADG 4 | by John Falstrom | Theory Textbook for the Bass Guitar |
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"Grab John's book, then grab your bass and grab some chops. Good stuff." - Rob Grange (bassist for The Amboy Dukes 1971-1974 and for The Ted Nugent Band 1975-1978) - (USA) 2/22/2018 |
"John Falstrom has a book EADG 4. I still reference the material to this day. It’s packed with tons of knowledge that’s laid out in an easy to understand method. Best $30 you’ll ever spend." - Chris (IL-USA) 7/28/2021 |
"Great book!" - Jim (LA-USA) 7/24/2021 |
"Had a great 4th of July party & living the 'low life'. Thanks John Falstrom, I'm putting some of your principles from your book EADG 4 to work in our shows." - Steve (TX-USA) 7/4/2021 |
"Keep up the bass work. It is awesome." - John (IN-USA) 6/20/2021 |
"Hey John, hope all is well. Just wanted to say I much appreciate how you always respond so timely to emails. I'm sure you're as busy as the next guy and yet you still find time to take a few moments to respond quickly to your 'students' correspondence. Realizing that's only one reason for why you resonate so well with the bass community - there's lots of reasons and they're well documented - It's just another thing that says everything you need to know about John Falstrom. Keep on Rockin John!" - Steve (Dallas, TX-USA) 6/7/2021 P.S. "I continue to be a virtual student of yours as your videos are some of the best out there - no small achievement on your part!" |
"In a previous life, I've had the blessing of drumming for John and years later, with one his advanced students. Looking back, I recall John's style of connection of body, soul, and spirit into the music. His student was well taught and will always be someone’s solid rock. Thanks John and Jerry." - Charles (Chicago, IL-USA) 5/17/2021 |
"John Falstrom, you have impressed me from the time you added me to your friends list! I’m glad to know someone who is this involved in furthering people's knowledge of Bass! I’ve been playing bass since 1969 and I still don’t know it all, so, for my benefit, I may have to check out your theory book! Thanks for your knowledge and friendship!! Rock on Brother!!!" - Michael (AL-USA) 5/17/2021 |
"Ash Orton, you will not be sorry. I live in Wales and John Falstrom sent it to me. It should take 3 weeks to arrive. Ernie Flanagan, you are so wrong, its about becoming familiar with all aspects of what a bass can do. Not only for in band situations but for personal progression and sometimes just for the hell of it. It is just a key my friend, a key that opens your musical mind and guides you. What you do with that key and where you take its contents are solely down to you and your imagination. Maybe this is an area that you struggle in but the contents within EADG 4 have DEFINITELY unlocked my music mind. I guess you can lead a horse to water....Good luck on your musical journey but I back John Falstrom all the way. He's the Don." - Paul (Wales-UK) 5/17/2021 |
"Best Theory book I’ve ever had. You’re a gem John." - G.B. (New York-USA) 5/16/2021 |
"One of the great bargains in Bass Education." - Tim (NV-USA) 5/16/2021 |
"A classic text by a classy guy." - Dan (Chicago-IL) 5/16/2021 |
"A couple weeks ago on a dark desert highway I listened to an interview of John Falstrom of EADG fame. Great interview, wonderful insights." - Tim (NV-USA) 5/5/2021 |
"John...you take me back to the old memories when you were playing bass with Midnight....First thought was you were the best bass player I ever saw. Thanks for being the best teacher also." - Bruce (AR-USA) 5/5/2021 |
"Tommy, are you buds with John Falstrom? Like EADG 4? He's the best." - Troy (IN-USA) 5/2/2021 |
"I’ve been working on major scales with EADG 4 and I am discovering new things every single day. John, you are changing lives brother. I recommend your book at least once a week! Thank you." - Paul (Cardiff-Wales) 4/12/2021 |
"Still so grateful for your role as Evan's bass teacher! What an amazing foundation you helped him build!" - Beth (IL-USA) 3/23/2021 |
"John is the best! Proud to have had him as my bass teacher and mentor." - Mark (Chicago, IL-USA) 3/5/2021 |
"John is the best bass guitar teacher!!! My daughter has learned so much from him." - Ann (IL-USA) 3/4/2021 |
"I was fortunate enough to have studied under John when I lived in Chicagoland. He’s genuinely a great guy, bass educator, and musician. This is my 15 year old copy of EADG 4 and its all marked up by John. Priceless! Thank you John!" - Dave (SC-USA) 3/4/2021 |
"After buying John's book four years ago, he has never failed to answer my e-mails to him to get clarification on something he's laid out in the book. He ends each response with "Just Keep Playing". EADG 4 is a great book and I'm a much better player because of it." - Bruce (MD-USA) 3/4/2021 |
"I ordered mine. John sent it to Wales in the UK. This book is amazing. I have learned so much already and I have only started covering the first section!! My movement around the fretboard has increased tenfold. His system doesn’t use charts or dots and the way he has designed it makes you move your hands in a more fluid and natural way...Once I got into it I could understand his logic and why he presents it in the way he does. I honestly cannot recommend EADG 4 enough. To top it all off, John is supportive and approachable. You are not just buying a book you are actually buying a key that unlocks this wonderful musical vocabulary that was just laying there under your hands all along. John shows you the light. Don’t just watch his videos, THIS MAN SHOWS YOU THE SECRETS THAT NO OTHER PLAYER TELLS YOU! Thank you John." - Paul (United Kingdom) 3/4/2021 |
"I really appreciate your feedback because you are very talented. It made my day when I saw you're thumbs up. Thanks again John. Have a great week ahead my fellow four stringer." - Joel (OH-USA) 2/28/2021 |
"I enjoy your posts on Facebook. It’s good to see great players getting recognition. All the best John. Cheers." - Pete (New South Wales, Australia) 2/26/2021. |
"Thank you John Falstrom for your contributions on YouTube to bass players everywhere!!!" - Michael (AL-USA) 2/26/2021 |
"I’ve had a few months to digest your book and it is a fabulous educational tool. I am currently learning bass clef and I saw the passage in your book that said STOP READING BASS TAB! I agree. Anyhow great book Sir, it’s extremely helpful. Thank you." - Wilton (NC-USA) 2/23/2021 |
"Hi John, my copy of EADG 4 has arrived! Thank you. The reason why I decided to buy a copy of your book was because I really enjoyed one of your mode videos. I could tell that you are genuine guy and I really believe in giving something back. I know I could watch your videos for free and pull some YouTube videos explaining modes up and piece things together but that’s not how I work. You are happy enough to share a lifetime of your knowledge but I believe that you more than deserve your dues and knowledge such as yours shouldn’t come for free (even though the internet has changed peoples views on this). .....You seem like a great guy and I am sure we would get on like a house on fire if we ever met. I can’t wait to put some of your theory into practice. Thank you. I will let you know how I get on." - Paul (United Kingdom) 2/19/2021 P.S. "There actually IS a lifetimes work in your book." |
"You're a great player John!" - David Kiswiney (TN-USA) 2/9/2021 |
"I have EADG 4. John really knows his stuff. A must for every bass player." - Carlo (VA-USA) 1/31/2021 |
"Hey John Falstrom, l have just been playing A Aeolian and immediately found "Love Cats" by The Cure! Jeez man you are sooooo right, every song I ever want to play is within these modes, thank you. I would like to buy your book brother (I have the link you emailed me). I am so glad I found you. I have been playing for 20 odd years just relying on my instinct. I’ve played professionally and had some small level of success but I have always had difficulty working out other people’s bass lines. I suppose I didn’t need to at the time because I always played originals, but it affected my confidence in jamming situations. Man, you have really opened my eyes, thank you." - Paul (Wales-UK) 1/19/2021 |
"I received EADG 4 this week. I am a bass guitarist converting from guitar. This book is incredible!!! On a side note, it’s also great to be holding an actual book instead of spending more time staring at a computer!!" - Dean (IL-USA) 1/12/2021 |
"Hello John!!!! I got your book yesterday. I am just amazed initially in your approach on how to understand and decipher the code that is music!!! Simply amazing. I've been playing bass for about 10 years off and on. Your approach just in the first 20 pages gave me a better understanding of the entire scale structure. I will be forever grateful. Thank you John." - Terry (MN-USA) 1/5/2021 |
"Your videos are excellent John and so is your book EADG 4." - Kelly (USA) 1/5/2021 |
"Let's start this venture off with a phenomenal educational resource that will help to solidify and improve your knowledge and understanding of music theory - John Falstrom's EADG 4! While John is a 4 string bassist, and his instruction focuses on bass guitar, his book EADG 4 and accompanying instructional material (YouTube Video's, etc.) is relevant to anyone wanting to understand music theory in depth. Of particular significance is his in-depth study into the very often confusing topic of the Modes. John flawlessly brings it all together here, explaining in a very understandable way how modes intertwine with whatever key you are working in. John doesn't just gloss over modes in this one eleven minute video. Additional video lessons from John focus on each individual mode, delving into the specifics of each. Sit back, put on your musical theory immersion cap and enjoy." - J.B. (IN-USA) 1/2/21 |
"John has written an excellent bass book that covers what you need to know. No BS, no filler. Packed with information i.e. you won't make it through this book in less than a year or two. For the price of one 1/2 hour lesson, it is well worth owning. Thanks John, it has proven invaluable to me." - Tim (AK-USA) 12/27/2020 |
"I bought your book about 12 years ago, helped me out a lot." - Joe (FL-USA) 12/12/2020 |
"Weird quirk to the current state of the world—my kid has been taking bass lessons for three years. I have never heard any of them. And because he practices on a different floor of the house, I’ve heard him only sporadically over the past year. So tonight, eavesdropping on a frankly amazing example of teaching and seeing for the first time the progress from that teaching. All I can say is, John Falstrom, I can’t thank you enough." - Laura (IL-USA) 12/9/2020 |
"Got this book! Good work John!" - Rama (Indonesia) 12/5/2020 |
"Thanks for doing what you do for us bassists, you’re the real deal. Take care John." - Steve (USA) 12/4/2020 |
"Thank you, EADG 4 is great." - Michael (CA-USA) 11/17/2020 |
"Thank you for everything you do for the bass community." - Joel (Canada) 11/15/2020 |
"Love this book" - Paul (NJ-USA) 11/12/2020 |
"A very helpful book. I was self taught on a fretless bass back in 1975 and I have played professionally (weekend warrior) since the early 80’s. This book opened a few other avenues for me. Thanks John!" - Ray (NY-USA) 11/10/2020 |
"The book which changed my entire life about playing a bass guitar even when I was reading a lot of books in the past and practicing, but the EADG 4 is something special cause it's back to an original, creative bass playing from the beginning when it was not so much techniques. Thanks to EADG 4 and if I was to "know this" I was success in life like a musician, I can say that I'm famous but I don't care for that, but my playing and life which I have now is much better. So THANK YOU JOHN!!!!" - Andrijano (Zanzibar) 11/5/2020 |
"I recently bought your book and I have to say it is the best book for bass knowledge I have seen. It is packed dense with important, easy to understand information. Thank you for taking the time to write it and making it available at a very reasonable price." - B.T. (CA-USA) 10/3/2020 |
"Thank you John for the words of encouragement! I’m looking forward to spending as much time as I can with my nose in the book over the winter. My eight-year-old is taking banjo lessons and I’m learning also with him. The theory aspect of your book should be a great tool in assisting me to teach him general music theory. Thank you again for your book and your time and knowledge and dedication to "The EADG 4 Bass Club", it has inspired me to play more and learn more." - Jon (WI-USA) 9/28/2020 |
"Thank you for EADG 4!" - Jason (NH-USA) 9/20/2020 |
"Got my copy 2day! Excited!" - Carlton (IN-USA) 9/19/2020 |
Hello John, hope all is well. Your book is incredible as I wanted to ask if you had videos pertaining to your book online? Thanks." - Joe (NJ-USA) 9/15/2020 |
"Look up John Falstrom and/or Jeff Berlin. Both excellent teachers." - Paul (OH-USA) 9/13/2020 |
"Honestly, nothing wrong with jumping into music. I recommend trying to find a teacher to give one on one lessons, but that might be tough during the pandemic. I haven't gone through John Falstrom's EADG 4 book yet, but I've heard great stuff about it." - Michael (CA-USA) 9/13/2020 |
"Following a book like John's EADG 4 makes sure your knowledge base (bass?) has no gaps. It is hard to do that without a guide. This one is excellent." - T.K. (NV-USA) 9/7/2020 |
"John, you are the kind of rare human being that I would call 'A Musician's Musician'. Someone who 'get's it'. We all have music in our soul but some fortunate souls get to make it. You are deep in that pool." - Drew (IL-USA) 8/8/2020 |
"The Bass Bible!" - Andrijano (Croatia) 8/3/2020 |
"Rob Grange was the bassist for two great bands, so he has the experience to back up what he says. And what he says about EADG 4 is absolutely true. I have it and it covers everything. I think every bass player should have it. Take care my friend and stay safe." - Carlo (VA-USA) 7/18/2020 |
"John, I am 73 years old and your book has opened my eyes to things I never thought of before. I would love to have an EADG 4 baseball cap. How do I order? P.S. thanks for writing the book." - Eddie (AL-USA) 7/17/2020 |
"There is no better book for bass. Period! Master teacher. Thank you John!!!" - Benjamin (IN-USA) 7/10/2020 |
"After playing around for 46 years, I’m going to finally learn to play the bass guitar. Thanks John Falstrom. See you soon!" - Mark (IL-USA) 7/4/2020 |
"Those of you who are tired of having gaps in your bass knowledge would do well to get John's book and go through it. By the end you won't have any gaps to fill." - Kelly (NV-USA) 6/13/2020 |
"Some of my first music lessons were on bass with John Falstrom. I credit a lot of my original skill development and passion for my primary instrument to this man. Music and bass are still my life today." - Billy (Chicago, IL-USA) 6/10/2020 |
"John Falstrom, your book has been a great help for me in getting started, or better yet, unconfusing me. I read a page or two daily and go back and read sections again." - Ron (GA-USA) 6/3/2020 |
"John, I had no idea of the genius you must be. It was an honor to play beside you and to hear your kind words on my playing. I will not live long enough to truly understand all of what you have shared in your book. I am impressed to know you and to be your friend." - Rob (IL-USA) 5/28/2020 |
"Thanks John, you were always right there when I freaked out about a song. You always went that extra mile. Peace brother and keep going, you’re now considered my Bass Idol." - Gloria (NY-USA) 5/13/2020 |
" You're a good man John and an accomplished musician." - Paul (IN-USA) 5/9/2020 |
"Definitely a great teacher! Thanks for the kick I needed to work hard when I started! I had to put it down for a little while but I’m back to work and EADG 4 is helping me get back!!" - James (IN-USA) 4/30/2020 |
"John gave me the best three word advice I could ever receive, "Just Keep Playing"...The more I play, the more things work out, become clear, and make sense...The book ain't bad either." - Bruce (NY-USA) 4/30/2020 |
"I find your book a great, well broken down method to teach bass. I bought books early on but I was never able to translate what was in them for my own benefit. Thanks for the book." - Barry (VA-USA) 4/25/2020 |
"John Falstrom is a badass bass player who can tear shit up! I took bass lessons from John in Tinley Park, IL from 2000 through 2003 and I couldn't have had a better teacher! Jazz, Rock, Blues, he can do it all! I went to see him play at Lucia's in Chicago Heights, IL and he could solo better than any of the guitarists playing and they had some good blues players! He teaches theory and proper technique so that his students can play effortlessly and as John used to say, do more than just wiggle your fingers fast." - J G (IL-USA) 4/22/2020 |
"John Falstrom's EADG 4 Book on Music Theory for the Bass Guitar is where you don't need to read music or tablature. It starts you at the very beginning and brings you to more advance stuff as you progress. He has tons of free support video's on YouTube to view also. If you have trouble understanding something he is very good about responding to questions. Nice Person. Great Bass Player. Smart Approach." - Abyss (NY-USA) 4/21/2020 |
"Got your book the other day....love it." - Fred (MD-USA) 3/24/2020 |
"Picked up your book. It’s great. I took up bass at 40. I’m now 49 and picked up bad habits. And like a big puzzle I’ve been missing pieces. I find that the missing pieces are starting to appear. Excellent. Doing the best I can at 49. Love playing the bass. Thanks again for writing the book." - Frank (NY-USA) 3/24/2020 |
"Enjoying my copy of EADG 4 and filling in the holes in my knowledge of the bass. Thanks for writing this book John." - Tim (NV-USA) 3/12/2020 |
"Just keep on doing what you’re doing and I hope you know that you’ve helped. Thank you." - Bob (ME-USA) 2/6/2020 |
"I have watched a few of John Falstrom's videos. Take advantage of these. They will always help advance your cause." - John (GA-USA) 2/1/2020 |
"Yeah, the book is fun to get knee deep into. This week I was playing in Gm with a pivotal point shift to the 6th position..where was its 7th? And there it was..it takes a minute to reacquaint oneself with the syntax." - Ted (FL-USA) 1/25/2020 |
"I wouldn't be where I am without John's expertise." - Santana (IL-USA) 1/24/2020 |
"For me, it (EADG 4) gave the simplest explanation of modes and how everything ties in. It took my playing to the next level. It taught me to add the colorful highlights to standard bass lines. He is an incredible teacher." - Dave (IL-USA) 1/24/2020 |
"John Falstrom's passion and enthusiasm is what hooks you. Then he builds your confidence based on realistic use of a few simple ingredients. But man can bake a great pie with those solid fundamentals." - Matt (WI-USA) 1/24/2020 |
"Quick question for the group. Is it a group secret how addictive John's book is? Or how the information inside when applied will set you on a path where bass will always be part of your life? How about the rush you get when it's New Bass Day? John did not get me hooked on the Bass but he did super charged my addiction to the Bass guitar. Do we tell young people interested in the Bass, this could happen to you? Just asking for a friend." - John (AZ-USA) 1/24/2020 |
"I highly recommend this book. It’s helped me tremendously as have John’s YouTube videos. The man is a great teacher." - Louis (Pittsburgh, PA-USA) 1/7/2020 |
"John is a friend and legend. His book made me excel in my career and life. And he's a great guy. I've seen him perform and have chatted with John dozen's of times! Thank you Sir!!!" - David (FL-USA) 1/1/2020 |
"I love your book John. I’m really learning a lot. Thank you so much." - Paul (NJ-USA) 12/19/2019 |
"Great book! Plenty of information." - Scott (OH-USA) 12/18/2019 |
"There is the Bible, the Torah, and EADG 4." - Kurt (IL-USA) 12/15/2019 |
"Pick up John Falstrom's book EADG 4...it is stacked with awesome lessons and charts. Very easy to read and is one of the easiest laid out bass instruction books to understand." - Chris (IL-USA) 12/13/2019 |
"John Falstrom, received the EADG 4 book yesterday. Thank you. Great stuff." - Steve (CA-USA) 12/12/2019 |
"Thank you John, have heard nothing but good things about you and your method. I am looking forward to the experience. Happy Holidays!" - Steve (LA-USA) 12/10/2019 |
"EADG 4 is very comprehensive and easy to understand." - David (United Kingdom) 12/5/2019 |
"John, EADG 4 is very easy to follow and having fun with it. I forgot how much fun playing the bass was and thank you for asking. John your book is awesome, easy to follow and a joy to read. No bsing, just get after it. I love it and thank you sir." - Bob (MI-USA) 10/6/2019 |
"Whoever John is teaching....you have the best." - Jack (AZ-USA) 8/30/2019 |
"This book is a treasure." - Kathy (IL-USA) 8/5/2019 |
"If someone wants to learn from a Master, then ego needs to be put aside and diligence must ensue. I learned a lot from your manuscript." - Mark (IA-USA) 8/3/2019 |
"Welcome John, BTW, John is the author of EADG 4, a fantastic resource book on music theory for bass." - James (TX-USA) 8/1/2019 |
"John Falstrom, thank you for sharing your knowledge!! EADG 4 was indeed a turning point in my overall abilities. I spread the word and will continue to spread the word of EADG 4 every chance I can." - John (FL-USA) 7/16/2019 |
"John, I’m a big fan of yours. You are a very cool dude." - Buddy (NJ-USA) 7/15/2019 |
"Great dude, great musical educator, a true gentleman!" - Rob (NV-USA) 6/21/2019 |
"Anyone would be fortunate to be your bass student." - Mike (TN-USA) 6/19/2019 |
"I ENDORSE THIS BOOK!" - Lamont (Detroit, MI-USA) 6/13/2019 |
"Working on your book John. Great book. I am going to jump right into the Pentatonic Scales which I had down perfectly a while ago but have since forgotten." - Tony (NJ-USA) 4/26/2019 |
"Thanks for putting out such great content." - Matt (MI-USA) 4/24/2019 |
"Buy EADG 4 by John Falstrom. You're welcome." - Gregg (OH-USA) 3/28/2019 |
"EADG 4, best bass theory book you can get." - Dennis (IN-USA) 3/28/2019 |
"EADG 4 has helped my playing for sure. Definitely recommend it!" - Jason (OR-USA) 3/28/2019 |
"Get one, it will change the way you look at bass!" - Jon (NY-USA) 3/23/2019 |
"Buy John Falstrom's book EADG 4. You will learn a ton." - Gregg (OH-USA) 3/11/2019 |
"Hi John.. Watched your YouTube videos the other day. You helped me to see more scales which I was unaware of. Thank you for your teachings and keep up the great work you're doing." - Phill (OR-USA) 3/3/2019 |
"Your bass book is AWESOME!" - Carlo (VA-USA) 3/1/2019 |
"Incredible bass player/musician. Much respect to you." - Eddie (AZ-USA) 3/1/2019 |
"EADG 4 is the most comprehensive book I've ever owned, and I've owned more than a few." - David (United Kingdom) 2/28/2019 |
"Would someone PLEASE make this man famous and recognize him for being the dedicated bassist/musician that he is??? Knock 'em DEAD, John!!!" - Tom (WI-USA) 2/24/2019 |
"THANKS for the AWESOME Bible of bass theory! I was getting used to goofing around with tablature and recently had decided to read music again. Your book is PERFECT! Have a great weekend!" - Mike (TX-USA) 2/16/2019 |
"It's a great book that's helped many bass players, myself included." - Shadi (IL-USA) 2/3/2019 |
"John is a master teacher." - Grant (OH-USA) 1/16/2019 |
"I have watched many of your videos and they are the only explanations I have seen that I understand and make total sense. Thanks and I can't wait to get your book." - Perry (NY-USA) 1/9/2019 |
"Hey John, Happy Holidays and have a tremendous New Year (2019). Continue to gig. You're my inspiration. I just bought an Ibanez 3/4 scale bass to light a fire under my butt to get me to practice more regularly and get my left hand fingers stronger because of minor issues with my left hand from my stroke. The Ibanez has a sweet sound & easy action and no fret buzz when I play. Not Frustrating. I hope it will help me get back to my 51' reissue P Bass, the foundation and my workhorse bass. Thanks for all the encouragement. You and Ron Reis have been such a positive influence in getting back to playing. My vocals are about 98% back. I can even cover some Grand Funk songs decently. I look forward to playing out again this year. Having a little difficulty getting bass lines out of some recordings but working on my ear training again, which used to be fairly accurate. Any suggestions, I'm listening. Thanks again. Next year I plan to visit my brother in Streaton, Illinois. Maybe when the time comes, we could meet in person, if the time works out for you. ENJOY!!!! Your friend, Gary." - Gary (CA-USA) 12/31/2018 |
"Had the pleasure of talking to John a while back. I have his book and every Bass Player should have it." - Larry (MO-USA) 12/23/2018 |
"This is the ultimate bass guide!!" - RJ (IL-USA) 12/16/2018 |
"I love the EADG 4 book, it's helped me learn a lot." - Chris (NJ-USA) 9/30/2018 |
"Thanks John for the knowledge. I have become a better bass player with this book." - Gary (OK-USA) 9/11/2018 |
"Look into getting a copy of EADG 4 by John Falstrom. You will thank me and him." - Matthew (St. Louis, MO-USA) 8/13/2018 |
"You've created a remarkable book and your YouTube content is gold." - Dave (LA-USA) 7/31/2018 |
"Hi John, started watching your videos. GREAT STUFF!" - James (TX-USA) 7/26/2018 |
"Great book. It has definitely helped me become a more confident bass player, while teaching me music theory at the same time. Music theory wasn't anything I started to learn 13 years ago when I started playing saxophone, making it extremely important for me to learn it now. This book is hands down the best resource/tool I have found, and I've recommended it to many friends." - Laura (MI-USA) 7/25/2018 |
"I ordered EADG 4 and love it. All the information you need." - Dan (MI-USA) 7/19/2018 |
"Great stuff in your book. Love it." - Mark (Chicago, IL-USA) 6/8/2018 |
"Check this guy out. He's a monster player and probably one of the best teachers in the business." - Rob (Chicago, IL-USA) 5/16/2018 |
"John...I wish I had been aware of you years ago...Terrific Bassist." - Gary (Canada) 4/27/2018 |
"Amazing book, its the only book I recommend. Full disclosure, former student of John's." - Benjamin (IL-USA) 4/16/2018 |
"John Falstrom is absolutely amazing and a great human being on top of being a genius." - James (NH-USA) 4/8/2018 |
"After opening the package and taking the book out, I could only think that even if I had to pay 1500 euros, it would be worth it. The book is way better than what I was expecting and the writing style is so accessible that it is nearly impossible to stop reading! Thank you very much Mr. John Falstrom!" - Rod (Portugal) 3/30/2018 |
"Money well spent." - Jeff (VA-USA) 3/29/2018 |
"EADG 4 by John Falstrom is one of the best books I've ever studied from. It just works. Can't recommend it enough." - Dave Tuckman (Owner/CEO of BassBooks.com) - (CA-USA) 3/12/2018 |
"Right on John. Your book is a steal at twice the price." - John (AZ-USA) 3/11/2018 |
"I have this book!! It's a great one." - Ron (NJ-USA) 2/27/2018 |
"I have found things in this book that no teacher ever taught me! Get your copy today and hurry!" - Jon (New York, NY-USA) 2/17/2018 |
"If John can't help you, you just about can't be helped!!! John is the MAN!!! - Dan (MO-USA) 2/12/2018 |
"John Falstrom is a great teacher in and out of the studio." - John (IL-USA) 2/9/2018 |
"John, I have to say...,your dedication to the bass is outstanding!" - Regan (Canada) 2/7/2018 |
"This book has all you need!" - Nick (Chicago, IL-USA) 2/7/2018 |
"EADG 4 is great!!! A must have!!!" - Dave (Nashville, TN-USA) 2/2/2018 |
"Greetings one and all...John Falstrom is correct, theory must be learned 'in order' from the beginning in a true 'connect the dots' method." - Mike Overly (USA) 2/1/2018 |
"EADG 4 breaks it down and if you just keep playing and keep at it (mistakes and all), the aha moment will come." - Bruce (NY-USA) 2/1/2018 |
"EADG 4 is an excellent book. I'm working my way through it now." - Peter (TX-USA) 1/19/2018 |
"EADG 4 by John Falstrom is the best bass tutorial I have ever seen. This is my MLK gift to me, made possible by John. Much thanks." - Irwin (NY-USA) 1/10/2018 |
"Hey John, I have been using your EADG 4 for some time and love it! I always reference it when I am lost and it helps me get in the groove." - Ricky (WI-USA) 1/9/2018 |
"John is a great instructor and very accessible when you contact him. His book is an excellent source. I highly recommend it." - LLG Engineering Consulting LLC (PA-USA) 1/6/2018 |
"The EADG 4 method by John Falstrom is fantastic!!!!" - Grant (OH-USA) 1/5/2018 |
"Get his book. I have it, and it's a great source of ideas. Check it out!" - Les (IL-USA) 1/1/2018 |
"Bass Bible!" - Patrick (CA-USA) 12/26/2017 |
"Thanks again John...You're an excellent bassist...I love hearing you play bass." - Allen (USA) 12/21/2017 |
"Thank you for your skill at making it real, and most importantly your encouragement to 'just keep playing'. It's starting to come together John." - Bruce (USA) 12/19/2017 |
"I can't think of a single video that you put out John Falstrom that I don't learn something from. Good stuff always!!!" - Harold (IN-USA) 12/10/2017 |
"I've been playing bass for 30 + years and EADG 4 is my go to for keeping the basics sharp. I use it all the time." - Mike (NJ-USA) 11/23/2017 |
"Go to EADG 4 & John Falstrom, he is the best." - Grant (OH-USA) 11/23/2017 |
"Thanks again for EADG 4. Working my way through and love it. Just wish my plucking hand would cooperate more." - Mark (Ontario-Canada) 11/8/2017 |
"I've got several copies of John's book. He breaks down theory so even I can understand it!" - Ron (IN-USA) 11/7/2017 |
"This guy really knows bass! Pay attention!" - Randy (TX-USA) 11/6/2017 |
"John Falstrom is unique and innovative, far from a formula, cookie-cutter bassist or instructor. I've said many times there's only one John Falstrom. John is the best." - Bruce (IL-USA) 11/5/2017 |
"I have never had music theory explained so easily and practically. It has helped me become a better player with all the instruments that I dabble in. It is my bible in my musical arsenal." - Tamara (IL-USA) 11/1/2017 |
"I learned a lot from John and his bass book. It not only helped with the bass but it helped me to better understand music which made me a better keyboardist." - Kathy (IL-USA) 10/31/2017 |
"DUDE!!!! THIS IS THE KIND OF STUFF I NEED!!!! I think you're an amazing teacher. Thanks for putting together this book. I'm 50 years old and this is the first time I've seriously pursued being a bassist. I've never learned theory and I believe that has always hindered my ability to advance. But I'm in it for the long haul." - Dean (NC-USA) 10/22/2017 |
"One of the great bass instructional books." - Larry (FL-USA) 9/12/2017 |
"You're a great inspiration and mentor John! Thanks for all you do for us! Truly appreciated." - John (IN-USA) 9/6/2017 |
"Seriously, you can never know what you're missing unless you follow John's work of passion. His book EADG 4 added to his videos start easy but gives you degree quality study. Learn as much or as little as you like. Times I have to put it down, but I come back to it time and time again as it suits me. I think I am always going to refer back to it and it's easy to do that. Nobody makes you study, you study when you want to!" - Albie (United Kingdom) 8/28/2017 |
"I want to thank you for being a great teacher! My bass playing skills have improved in just a few months from taking lessons with you!" - Jimmy (IL-USA) 8/26/2017 |
"Bass player John Falstrom is a preeminent bass player and the author of EADG 4. I think it's the best bass theory book out there!" - Rob (IL-USA) 8/25/2017 |
"Hello John. Man you are so right about the no compromise importance of knowing every note on the fretboard like you know how to spell your name. I've found that the better I know where notes are on the fretboard, the easier it is to learn everything else about playing this awesome instrument. It's that simple. Sometimes I just stare at the bass and play games with myself finding roots, thirds, fifths. That has helped me tremendously. Thank you Bass Brother." - Bruce (USA) 8/21/2017 |
"I own EADG 4. It's awesome." - Nicholas (PA-USA) 8/20/2017 |
"You can really tell you love playing the noise stick man, I can hear the fun in it for you. I always said there are bass players and there are guys that can play a bass, big difference in my books. If you can play bass alone for people and keep their attention for more than 5 minutes, ya got 'er beat, and you my friend I could listen to your thump all day. Cheers man. I got my wife playing bass now, she's watching your every move on YouTube. I told her to friend you on here (Facebook) because you're posting bass secrets and tricks all the time." - Keni (Canada) 8/19/2017 |
"EADG 4 is a great foundation book for learning why notes and chords work like they do!" - Patrick (CA-USA) 8/5/2017 |
"John Falstrom is the best bass teacher there is and EADG 4 is the best book on bass theory." - T.J. (IL-USA) 7/12/2017 |
"This book will help any bassist....EADG 4 by John Falstrom." - Matthew (MO-USA) 6/23/2017 |
"The ultimate bass theory textbook is EADG 4 by John Falstrom." - Stephen (FL-USA) 6/18/2017 |
"John, it was one of your videos that popped up on Facebook that made me aware of EADG 4. All subscribed now. Thanks for what you do!" - David (United Kingdom) 6/17/2017 |
"John, I've known you since you played with the band Midnight and you inspired me to pick up the bass and I've been playing since. You're one of the best mentors out there. Peace brother." - Bruce (AR-USA) 6/13/2017 |
"I watched you for the first time in this video John. I have to say I love your no nonsense approach. You are very honest and direct and it really made me think about the excuses I make for my progression on my instrument. I will be purchasing your instructional book EADG 4 very soon. Again, love your style. I wish I had you for a teacher years ago. You would not of bought my excuses lol. Glad I have discovered you! God Bless." - Michael (IL-USA) 6/6/2017 |
"EADG 4 is simply a must have for any bass player at any level. There is so much more to really playing and/or knowing everything on a bass. Johnny will open a whole new world up to you. I have never done any other job but play music for a living. My friends, this book is a must." - Tom (IL-USA) 6/6/2017 |
"It's lightning in a book John." - Gloria (NY-USA) 6/5/2017 |
"You're my new bass hero!! Love this stuff. Too bad I waited until 46 to start playing. I can't seem to get enough practice in." - Dave (MN-USA) 6/4/2017 |
"John, there's a video you posted awhile back of you performing with "The Big Boppers" that I really enjoyed watching. You run the bass all up and down the neck on the beginning of the song and it's really badass. You did a fantastic job on it. You are playing a black acoustic bass in the video if I remember correctly." - Adam (IL-USA) 6/4/2017 |
"The Book, best bass book for reference and theory for all bass players in the 21st Century." - Russell (NJ-USA) 5/23/2017 |
"John's book EADG 4 has been helping me tremendously. I highly recommend it." - Jacques (Canada) 5/21/2017 |
"I just watched your EADG 4 video #17 on YouTube. It is so obvious that to be a great bassist, you have to be passionate about the music and the instrument. To learn something new is possible for anyone, but one has to be patient and committed. Your EADG 4 videos are educational and entertaining. Got to get myself an Ozzy bobble head. Ha! Love it. Thanks for doing what you do." - Steven (NY-USA) 5/14/2017 |
"You ROCK Dude! I can't tell you how much I've learned from your Modal System pieces. In over 40 years of jamming, learning, taking lessons and all, NO ONE ever explained the modal system in such a clear and easily understandable way as you do. I have been shown all the modes by teachers before, but they never put two-and-two together like you do explaining how it all fits together in a single scale. INCREDIBLE! If I only would have focused more in my younger days, maybe I would have gotten it then and been able to really do something with regard to a music career. Either way - THANKS A MILL!!! John Falstrom is THE MAN when it comes to music theory instruction!!! Hands down!" - John (IN-USA) 5/10/2017 |
"Sir, your EADG 4 book and your videos are opening up a whole new world of bass playing and music theory for me. I've been playing mostly self-taught for many years and I feel now, as I work through your lessons, that a lot of dots are starting to connect for me. Thank you so much for putting all of this material together, it is immensely helpful." - Peter (TX-USA) 5/8/2017 |
"OK John, you're one of the BEST!!! EADG 4 is spot on!" - Robert (NY-USA) 5/5/2017 |
"Love your videos and the personal advice you've given me. I need to run up to Chi-Town and see you some time." - Greg (KY-USA) 5/5/2017 |
"I watch all your videos, I've learned so much....cheers." - Dan (VT-USA) 4/25/2017 |
"Your book has changed the way most people think in learning the bass guitar. I and many, many others understand this. I've learned more about my bass guitar from your work than anything I learned formally in my younger years." - Mark (Ontario-Canada) 4/2/2017 |
"You're helping a lot of people "get it" John...Thanks for your unselfish dedication to the bass and ultimately music!!...Plus you like Rob Grange and I'm from Detroit!!" - Terry (MI-USA) 3/6/2017 |
"I received your book and I am working my way through it....well done! I love it!" - Rich (NY-USA) 3/1/2017 |
"Love your book very much and so does my bass teacher." - Larry (MO-USA) 2/25/2017 |
"Thanks for teaching me how to play the bass John! Just came across EADG 4! This was so influential to me as a musician!!" - Tyson (IN-USA) 2/25/2017 |
"Hi, I recently bought your book. Love it. Plain language. Straight forward and unravels some of the 'mystery' surrounding music that tends to put off people starting to learn music or playing an instrument." - Nick (United Kingdom) 2/19/2017 |
"Got EADG 4 John! It's a great piece of work." - Joe (NJ-USA) 2/12/2017 |
"Great book...Had it since 2006." - Steven (FL-USA) 2/11/2017 |
"Never too old, wise or content enough to sit back on my past. I continue to learn something new every time I go back to this great resource. I can't even guess how many of my guitar and bass students have benefited from your hard work. Thanks again John for giving this gift to the world." - Matt (WI-USA) 1/30/2017 |
"Great book John. Wish I had it when I first started playing bass in the pre-Internet era. You can quote me on that." - Herb (Washington, D.C.-USA) 1/29/2017 |
"I chuckle at myself when I think about how I thought I had a good idea about bass theory prior to reading EADG 4. This book is phenomenal in its layout, intricacies, depth, and simplicity. There just is not a better way to learn bass theory. Thanks John." - Shawn (WA-USA) 1/29/2017 |
"Hello John Falstrom. Just letting you know that last night I discovered your EADG 4 series of videos on YouTube. Saved them so I can watch them when convenient. I also wanted to let you know that right off the bat in the 1st video I had my first Ah-Ha moment. I'm really going to enjoy watching all the videos over and over again. Thank you. This beginner bass player is very appreciative." - James (AR-USA) 1/27/2017 |
"You're awesome John Falstrom! Thank you!" - Rob (NV-USA) 1/27/2017 |
"Close to 30 years playing the bass, 5 rock bands, people say 'sounds pretty good', myself I always thought 'I don't really play too bad'. After receiving EADG 4, I got over the next plateau, now thinking wow, now I hear it and can play it and climb over playing errors I never could before. It feels like now I 'play bass' instead of 'playing with the bass'." - Riyavki (Ukraine) 1/17/2017 |
"I never had time to learn bass theory, after all, I sounded good. But in hindsight, I also sounded simple, not that simple is bad. But I have to send kudos to JF for his EADG 4 theory book. Now I can sit in with anyone and feel confident. Last year, at age 64, I started doing session work. Never saw that coming. Thanks John." - Stephen (FL-USA) 1/16/2017 |
"I'm glad there are great teachers and players like you out there, giving guys like me some hope." - John (United Kingdom) 1/13/2017 |
"Absolutely awesome instruction and instructor!" - Skip (TX-USA) 1/8/2017 |
"You're awesome. Thanks for being a Maestro Mr. Falstrom." - Thomas (PA-USA) 1/6/2017 |
"John, your videos rock! They are instrumental in helping me piece together all the individual areas of understanding I have learned over the years, but could never tie together. I am now beginning to understand it much better. The videos are a great accompaniment to your EADG 4 textbook. Thank you so much for your knowledge, sharing, and dedication to advance others musical abilities. You rock! Up and coming bassists out there take note! If you seek mentoring, John is a great source for furthering your understanding of the grooves you're trying to learn." - John (IN-USA) 12/30/2016 |
"I know I was so lucky to find John as a teacher back in the 1990's. Before I found John, I took lessons from another teacher and all I did was read music off a page. John actually teaches how music is put together in relation to the bass and that made all the difference to my learning. John is the man!!!" - Erik (IL-USA) 12/29/2016 |
"Amazing demonstration of concept. Your EADG 4 videos always enhance the EADG 4 textbook. Thanks for producing them." - David (MI-USA) 12/28/2016 |
"Check out John Falstrom and his book EADG 4...Life and game changer." - Chaz (MD-USA) 12/26/2016 |
"Many thanks to the best bass guitar instructor on the planet." - Larry Spalla (Owner of Conquest Sound Cables) IL-USA - 12/23/2016 |
"I have been following your fine EADG 4 youtube videos. Thank you so very much. You're the man. Big time." - Keith (NY-USA) 12/19/2016 |
"Great book! Thank you." - Tony (Washington, D.C.-USA) 12/18/2016 |
"Thank you John Falstrom for a lifetime of musical information with EADG 4." - Russell (NJ-USA) 12/15/2016 |
"John is the best teacher ever! When I want to learn something, I watch his YouTube channel. When I need his opinion on some matter (be it playing styles, gear, whatever), I ask him and he's always there to help! I owe him a lot!" - Rod (Portugal) 12/13/2016 |
"I'm loving EADG 4 John. Great book. I've heard nothing but great reviews on it." - Orocovix (PA-USA) 12/12/2016 |
"John Falstrom has great bass lessons. A very cool style of teaching." - Benjamin (IL-USA) 12/11/2016 |
"Hello there Mr. Falstrom, just wanted to say you're a great bassist." - Jacob (IN-USA) 12/11/2016 |
"FANTASTIC book and accompanying CD you have." - Daryl (AZ-USA) 12/10/2016 |
"This is my go-to book for all things bass. If you play bass and don't have a copy, put it at the top of your Christmas list!" - Nick (IL-USA) 12/10/2016 |
"I have been playing bass by ear for 49 years just for fun. This book acknowledged why I do the things I do and suggested better options." - Patrick (CA-USA) 12/9/2016 |
"I can't recommend John Falstrom and his book EADG 4 enough. It's not instant gratification. It's serious study. But I'm learning a lot and I've been playing 31 years. EADG 4 is the "work" behind music i.e. the theory about what you play and why it works. If I could do it over, I'd learn theory from day one. Working through scales and modes while doing the theory part is also going to help with technique and speed in a big way." - Dave (NY-USA) 12/6/2016 |
"If you want to learn bass guitar, this man is the most down to earth person and teacher you could find. I always end up smiling because his classes are fun! John Falstrom is a pro bass player from the days of the historic 'Journeyman Bassist'. How he manages to talk us through the lessons, improvise and hold it all together is amazing. He doesn't waste time showing off and making hip jokes. He just draws you in and you gotta play! EADG 4, watch the videos and buy the book. Cheapest and the best lessons anywhere, anytime!" - Albie (United Kingdom) 12/5/2016 |
"Both the EADG 4 book and the EADG 4 youtube videos are awesome material." - Anthony (Singapore) 11/26/2016 |
"John, just wanted to say that you are doing an outstanding job!! Much respect to your skills. I want to go back and study The Modes again step by step. Thank you so much." - Terrynce (NY-USA) 11/16/2016 |
"John's lessons are awesome and his book EADG 4 is an instructional monster!" - Michael (NY-USA) 11/11/2016 |
"Recently bought a copy of EADG 4. It really adds another dimension to all the other theory books and provides a sound physical basis for study. The EADG 4 Videos are also a great resource too. Thanks John." - David (MI-USA) 10/24/2016 |
"Quintessential!" - John (TX-USA) 10/13/2016 |
"I gave up trying to be a rock star 30 years ago and when I picked up the bass in anger two years ago I thought I'd better re-learn the rudiments and this book (EADG 4) taught me that I didn't actually know them in the first place." - David (United Kingdom) 10/11/2016 |
"Brutha John... is the real deal!" - Doug (Chicago, IL-USA) 9/16/2016 |
"EADG 4 is my bass bible. It's sitting on top of my amp right now. Gold. Great teacher." - Mark (CA-USA) 9/15/2016 |
"Want to give a shout out to an original bass guru... John Falstrom! Thanks for the knowledge! It's been invaluable. Rock on!!" - Alex (IL-USA) 9/15/2016 |
"John, I've already started watching your YouTube lessons and implementing your instruction. You ROCK!" - Mark (IA-USA) 9/12/2016 |
"You're awesome John Falstrom for sharing all this bass knowledge. Thank you Sir." - Rob (CA-USA) 8/23/2016 |
"I stumbled upon your book EADG 4 in a bass player's forum today....After 20 years of playing bass, I never understood the modal system. I can't sight-read or even play from tab....I play strictly by ear....I looked on youtube and found your videos....I was so happy I almost started crying. I could never grasp how or why modes were important....By the time I got to the Lydian mode, things started to make sense to me and I started to understand why things I had learned on my own on the bass sound the way that they do....You have a unique way of explaining things so that lesser players can understand....You have a true gift....Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the rest of the world....Thanks again." - Zane (TX-USA) 8/16/2016 |
"Buying this book was the best investment I've made for my bass playing." - Tim (CA-USA) 8/16/2016 |
"Essential and epic!!" - Maarte (Netherlands) 7/11/2016 |
"John, your playing is fantastic by the way. You sold me on The Fender Telecaster Bass at the first note! Beautiful video from start to finish. Very cool stuff Sir. Thank you." - Ron (CA-USA) 7/4/2016 |
John, just watched your latest EADG 4 Bass Lesson Video and I loved it! Very well done and demonstrated! Thanks." - Bill (NC-USA) 7/2/2016 |
"A great book is EADG 4 by John Falstrom." - Xeno (NY-USA) 6/27/2016 |
"Getting into the natural minor scales! Love this book! By far the best investment in advancing my bass playing abilities!" - Codey (IN-USA) 6/26/2016 |
"I've reached a place in 11 months that some people say takes years to reach. John's teaching and EADG 4 have got me where I am." - Mike (IL-USA) 6/24/2016 |
"Thanks John. Your EADG 4 video is going to help many bassists. Great job my friend. Keep it flowing. Thanks again." - Tony (MO-USA) 6/23/2016 |
"I am honored to be a student of John Falstrom. John has been teaching me music theory and the application of the same. I have learned more about playing bass from John in the last nine months than I learned on my own in thirty five years. This is master degree material and I am soaking it all up! Be sure to purchase EADG 4 by John Falstrom. This is the Bassist Bible!" - Bob (IL-USA) 6/22/2016 |
"Playing bass is something many of us do, but understanding your instrument with the music that you play and the ability to improve yourself through a greater knowledge, EADG 4 can give you that. I have no connection with the author, but EADG 4 is a must for anyone wanting to take steps towards a greater understanding and playing." - Neil (United Kingdom) 6/21/2016 |
"I have been going through your book EADG 4. Great learning tool." - Ricky (WI-USA) 6/21/2016 |
"John Falstrom, thank you! Your stuff is great!" - Dave (LA-USA) 6/17/2016 |
"Hi John, I have watched many educators in music explain the theory of music and I think you put it across in the clearest manner that makes absolute sense. You explain the information as a musical professional who is a friend, that's what makes the difference. It's that you care that the students really understand. Just brilliant, truly excellent. You are a star lecturer and musical educator. Well done John. Well done indeed." - John (United Kingdom) 6/17/2016 |
"I just recently received your book EADG 4 and I must say that you've done a wonderful job. I can already tell that this will be the best thing I will have ever done for my bass playing! It is going to take time and a lot of effort, but I'm well on my way! Thank you for your expertise and willingness to share your knowledge. Have a great day!" - Codey (IN-USA) 5/19/2016 |
"John, have had a copy of your book EADG 4 for a while now. Excellent source of knowledge and ideas. Thanks for writing it!!" - Les (IL-USA) 5/9/2016 |
"As a fellow bassist and educator, I must say that EADG 4 is the best bass book out there." - Shadi (IL-USA) 3/19/2016 |
"I'm glad I was able to meet this awesome great bassist John Falstrom. I wish I still lived in Chicago." - Eric (TN-USA) 3/16/2016 |
"John is a virtuoso!" - Bill (Chicago, IL-USA) 3/13/2016 |
"As a bassist, the best thing you can do is be ready for every opportunity that crosses your path, this means having your chops ready. John's book EADG 4 is a detailed practice manual and is an asset to your stable of bass reference books. Playing any instrument is a gift, but it's up to you to progress on that gift and move it forward, John's book does just that. Thanks John!" - Rob Grange (bassist for The Amboy Dukes 1971-1974 and for The Ted Nugent Band 1975-1978) - (USA) 2/24/2016 |
"This is an amazing book!!! Thank you Mr. Falstrom." - Leo (CA-USA) 2/20/2016 |
"Incredible book! EADG 4 changed my life as a bass player! This book is a must have for every bass player no matter if you're a beginner or pro. Bass holy bible!" - Andrijano (Croatia) 2/20/2016 |
"There is no better bassist from whom to learn the bass from than John. You found the best." - Steve (IL-USA) 2/19/2016 |
"I knew I was missing something very important when playing bass, and it was simply "music theory". I contacted John Falstrom (bassist extraordinaire, author of EADG 4, and a Chicago bass legend). I then purchased John's book EADG 4. The amount of knowledge and expertise that John has shared with me has been priceless. I have had "theoretical awakenings" almost on a weekly basis since I have been under John's teaching and mentorship. The more I learned, the harder John pushed. My thirst for knowledge, consistent practice, repetition, experimentation, and my desire to be the best bassist for any type of band will come to fruition in time." - Bob (IL-USA) 2/17/2016 |
"Best book around. I got mine a few weeks ago." - Fero (MA-USA) 2/12/2016 |
"Serious about playing bass and learning music? Buy this book!" - Roger (IL-USA) 2/11/2016 |
"John, I got a copy of your book EADG 4! It's one of the best theory books I've read in a long time!" - David (WA-USA) 2/5/2016 |
"Thank you John Falstrom for such a great bass book! Your book is a great help to all bass players." - Joe (NY-USA) 2/4/2016 |
"EADG 4 is the single greatest music theory book I've ever seen. Thank you so much!" - Jacob (TX-USA) 1/20/2016 |
"EADG 4 is a pristine product. A+++++ book!!!" - Kim (TX-USA) 1/16/2016 |
"Thanks for sharing your passion." - Jean-Louis (Quebec) 1/8/2016 |
"Thanks John, honored to have and study your book! Rock on!" - Alexander (Portugal) 1/5/2016 |
"John, you amaze me! Your passion and generosity of teaching people to play the bass is impeccable. I appreciate your hard work, long hours, and dedication you've given to this wonderful art. I enjoy your book and videos immensely and I thank you infinitely Sir! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you!" - Joe (MI-USA) 12/23/2015 |
"I have John's book and it's a great help. And I've been playing bass for 33 years. It's well worth the investment!!" - Les (IL-USA) 12/8/2015 |
"If you don't have EADG 4....you will be forever stuck. Best money I've ever spent!!!" - Chaz (MD-USA) 12/1/2015 |
"Hi John. I'm enjoying your book. It's given me a lot of depth to my bass playing. Thank you mate." - Dean (Australia) 11/30/2015 |
"American Bass Maestro! You have produced a magnificent learning tool called EADG 4 that will help any bassist. Thanks John!" - Albie (United Kingdom) 11/27/2015 |
"Your book is opening up my musical mind and breaking bad habits. And it's working!" - David (MA-USA) 11/24/2015 |
"Great book. I have had it for years! I have recommended EADG 4 over and over. Just solid basic fundamentals that every bassist should know. And written for everyday people, not just elite musicians. I am actually planning on going through the whole book again this winter." - Gregg (OH-USA) 11/17/2015 |
"John, EADG 4 arrived and it's brilliant. Thanks for signing it. It's a treasured possession." - Graham (United Kingdom) 10/31/2015 |
"John, I'm really enjoying EADG 4. The instructions are easy and simple to follow. I strongly agree with you about the need to avoid tablature. I don't know who came up with that, but to me it's more complicated than regular music notation. Professional songwriters, performers and teachers don't use it, so it should be avoided at all cost. Since I can already read vocal music in the bass clef, the trick now is to learn, really learn, where all the notes are on the bass fingerboard are located. For all others, I highly recommend EADG 4! It's excellent!" - James (GA-USA) 10/25/2015 |
"EADG 4 can be considered as a "Bass Bible" because it shows you all you need to know..!!" - Maarte (Netherlands) 10/24/2015 |
"I just got EADG 4 and it makes great sense already. I just wish I had this book when I started to play bass because I'd be a much better player now. Thanks John for a great book that's written by someone who's been out there and knows what it's like first hand playing rather than just doing some exercises as nearly all bass books do." - Hank (United Kingdom) 10/24/2015 |
"Thanks John Falstrom for EADG 4. I'm only on page 19 and I've already learned a lot!" - David (AR-USA) 10/11/2015 |
"Thank you John Falstrom for writing EADG 4!" - Loren (IL-USA) 10/11/2015 |
"Cheers John. I have been watching your tutorials and they have given me a different perspective on the bass. Thank you." - Eddie (Ireland) 10/8/2015 |
"EADG 4 is an awesome book!" - Louis G. (Pittsburgh, PA-USA) 10/8/2015 |
"John's book EADG 4 helps make sense of the fingerboard and how to use it in a logical way. I was given John's materials and have worn them out and have been thinking about getting replacements." - Joe (OH-USA) 10/8/2015 |
"EADG 4 is the best I have seen and I have been looking for a very long time. So much information. What is nice is that it is written for bassists." - Larry (MO-USA) 9/26/2015 |
"My bass teacher's book EADG 4 is a must have for every bassist." - Evie (Los Angeles, CA-USA) 9/23/2015 |
"I enjoy your playing John. You have a truly natural smoothness and still maintain a really powerful, punchy pulse to your style with a very nice feel. It's always great to see a top man at the top of his game doing excellent work. When you talk about the bass guitar, you put it across clearly and with great sincerity." - John (United Kingdom) 9/23/2015 |
"EADG 4 is the real deal. Make your bass work for you." - Michael (IL-USA) 9/22/2015 |
"Just got my EADG 4 bass theory textbook!!! So far so good. It's easy to understand and it's just a great book." - Jordan (CO-USA) 9/21/2015 |
"It's even better if you are able to personally study with John. I did and it was the biggest music theory learning experience I could ever have." - Joe (Chicago, IL-USA) 9/17/2015 |
"EADG 4 is an awesome learning tool!" - Joe (CA-USA) 9/12/2015 |
"You my friend are the reincarnation of Mel Bay.....Loved and admired by generations to come......You documented us.....Imagine the bass players 20 years from now." - Eddie (TX-USA) 9/9/2015 |
"EADG 4 is just as cool and as comprehensive as I hoped it would be. A+!" - Bopa (NY-USA) 9/5/2015 |
"EADG 4 is a must for all bass players. It's a great bass book." - Chris (Australia) 9/4/2015 |
"Two most important books of all-time: The Bible and EADG 4." - Kurt (IL-USA) 8/28/2015 |
"Great book - its explanations about theory and exercises make a lot of otherwise ambiguous concepts clear." - Vish (NY-USA) 8/25/2015 |
"John, you are an excellent bassist. Thank you so much for all of your inspiration." - Jj (GA-USA) 8/20/2015 |
"Thank you for supporting the musical community and passing what you have to generations that are to come." - Paul (CA-USA) 8/11/2015 |
"Hello John, your work is so impressive. I can't wait to start over and learn correctly (with EADG 4). Thank you." - Gloria (NJ-USA) 7/17/2015 |
"Received EADG 4 last week and I haven't put it down yet. Amazing." - David (United Kingdom) 7/13/2015 |
"I just received my copy of EADG 4. Love the book. I've been playing bass fifteen years and I am learning lots. Thanks John." - Colin (IA-USA) 6/24/2015 |
"EADG 4 is a really good book. It's well-thought-out and put together. You'll be impressed with it." - Rob (VA-USA) 6/7/2015 |
"EADG 4 is a good, concise and well organized offering for all levels of development. Kudos!" - Slayden (TX-USA) 6/7/2015 |
"EADG 4 is an awesome foundation that works for all genres of music. Thanks John Falstrom!" - Eric (FL-USA) 6/7/2015 |
"Everyday my basses get put through the EADG 4 textbook. Thank you John!! Your book has taken me places we never before hung!!" - Chaz (MD-USA) 5/31/2015 |
"Again, not to sound like a besotted schoolgirl, but you have no idea what an honor it is to actually converse with you. I've been playing bass for years and you are by proxy one of my teachers. I've been following you and your training for years." - James (NC-USA) 5/17/2015 |
"Thank you John for your awesome contribution to the bass world." - Durwin (NC-USA) 5/15/2015 |
"EADG 4 - A great book for any level player! It has helped me tremendously on wrapping my head around bass theory. This book is worth many times more than what it cost me. Thanks John. Fan for life!" - Robert (NJ-USA) 5/1/2015 |
"Perfect. The technical aspects have always helped me grasp a subject faster. A++." - Greg (KS-USA) 4/28/2015 |
"I'm gradually progressing through EADG 4 and I truly appreciate your efforts to "demystify" the bass guitar as I'm sure many do. Passion + EADG 4 + Fun = Success! Peace, health and happiness to you and yours now and always." - Jim (NJ-USA) 4/25/2015 |
"Great book. My playing and understanding of music has come on enormously since I received your book. Even the minor little tips have made a difference. EADG 4 has everything you need to know!" - Neil (United Kingdom) 4/25/2015 |
"John Falstrom is the MAN! He has this awesome book called EADG 4 and it's better than any of the other books that I have been trying to understand. It is well worth the money. John is a strict teacher and no slackers are allowed." - Richard (United Kingdom) 4/20/2015 |
"Great book that's full of knowledge and very helpful." - John (PA-USA) 4/14/2015 |
"Just received my copy of EADG 4 by John Falstrom. It's an excellent book that is easy to understand and very well put together. Thanks John, I will be sure to let all my bass students as well as my bassist friends know about it!" - Dan (NY-USA) 4/10/2015 |
"John Falstrom has an excellent book called EADG 4." - Louis (Athlone-Ireland) 4/10/2015 |
"I got your book last month and I love it." - Andrei (Philadelphia, PA-USA) 4/10/2015 |
"I love it!" - Jack (KS-USA) 4/4/2015 |
"I have the original edition of this fine book and just purchased the updated copy. It is an excellent investment and a bargain." - Steve (CT-USA) 3/27/2015 |
"Hi John, it's an honour to see you. You will be surprised to know that I have your book EADG 4. I bought it last year through a dear friend of mine. It's one of the best bass books I have ever come across. I am enjoying learning and playing from it. You did an awesome job with EADG 4. I highly recommend to all the bass players to get a copy. It's a great help for all bass players. Regards from Northeast India." - Kora (Northeast India) 3/17/2015 |
"Me and J.L. give you big praise....you make so much sense in terms of approaching theory to playing the bass guitar." - Howard (Chicago, IL-USA) 3/17/2015 |
"I'm 52 years young and I don't have a lot of time to waste. I absolutely love this book. If my house was on fire, I would grab my 1973 Telecaster Bass and EADG 4!" - Tim (OK-USA) 3/12/2015 |
"Awesome book for a bassist at any level. Top notch, bad ass Instructor and is a master Jedi on bass guitar." - Mike (IA-USA) 3/12/2015 |
"I don't usually 'infomercial', but this book deserves passing on. I'm 45 years old with no time to waste trying to progress (I started playing bass guitar this last year), so I have purchased MANY books & dvd's, aside from weekly bass lessons and by far, for the money, EADG 4 is the best book I've bought yet!! Especially if you're a beginner, this book WILL help you! I am in no way connected to John i.e. receiving anything. This book deserves being passed around. Simply put.......Kicks Ass!! Thank you John Falstrom for writing an awesome book! I am completely impressed with it. It makes things very easy to understand, and in a manner that each part leads you into the next, to progress in a timely manner. I wish you were in my area.....You'd be my choice as an instructor. I'll leave everyone with one of my favorite writings of yours, right on the 1st page...'Knowing the note relationships of the other eleven (11) notes to the root of a scale and to the root of a chord is music theory.'" - Mark (NH-USA) 3/11/2015 |
"My question to you is about the use of your book EADG 4 as a reference for my students. I really respect what you have done here and the fit as a reference is very good. I would not want to use it without your permission. Again, my compliments on EADG 4. It's been out a long time and the material remains fresh and relevant." - Ted (IL-USA) 3/7/2015 |
"I'm a fan of EADG 4. It's well conceived and well written." - Brett (Australia) 3/6/2015 |
"As a 50 year player I highly recommend John's book. It has all you will ever need to know on bass playing. EADG 4 = the most accessible instruction book on bass guitar that I've ever seen. Do yourself a favor. Grab it." - Sandy (Australia) 3/3/2015 |
"I really enjoy your instructional style, it connects with me. Thanks for your knowledge and experience!" - Mark (NH-USA) 2/28/2015 |
"Your personality and insight on the bass guitar has shaped not only myself but generations of bass players....You truly have touched the souls of the people around you....Cheers!!!!" - Dave (IL-USA) 2/27/2015 |
"I just recently got EADG 4 and I LOVE it! The approach, readability, and no bs makes it good for a beginner to advanced bassist." - Shadi (IL-USA) 2/25/2015 |
"A very helpful book indeed! Thanks for writing it John. It just makes sense. Great job!" - Joe (CT-USA) 2/20/2015 |
"I love your book, thanks!" - Rob (MN-USA) 2/18/2015 |
"Bass on my Brother......More to this book than I can ever appreciate......Well done." - JP (WI-USA) 1/30/2015 |
"Just got EADG 4. Great book! Thanks John." - Mark (PA-USA) 12/28/2014 |
"Brilliant John!!" - Sandy (Australia) 12/27/2014 |
"I recently purchased EADG 4. I've been playing bass for about 6 months and I'm learning so much! Great book. Great Lessons. I highly recommend EADG 4." - Louis (PA-USA) 12/17/2014 |
"John, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your learning (EADG 4) Video's. Watching you play "Easy Living" and slowing things down for the beginner bass players is great. You slow things down for them and have an easy way of explaining why and how. Many cannot or do not teach this way. I think they have forgotten what it was like to break in a new brain pattern such as learning to play a musical instrument. Thanks for putting out the extra time to do this for the world bro. I salute you." - Kurt (OK-USA) 12/12/2014 |
"Thanks John. You are an awesome spokesman for the bass!" - Sal (NY-USA) 12/12/2014 |
"You are a great bassist John." - Alain (Belgium) 12/12/2014 |
"You surely are a great teacher John." - Mitchell (Canada) 12/10/2014 |
"Great job of putting this book together John!" - John (PA-USA) 11/27/2014 |
"Great book. Thanks John!" - Richard (Bristol-UK) 11/25/2014 |
"Best book on music theory I've ever owned. Once I read it, I got it. John's formula makes it so easy, and it sticks. No matter what musical instrument, John's formula works. It's one of my music bibles." - Tamara (IL-USA) 11/11/2014 |
"Every so often I buy a book with the intention of digging deeper into music theory, but typically you either need to read music or tablature or take lessons. I just don't have that kind of time, so in the end the book gets put in a pile with the rest. Two weeks ago I bought EADG 4 written by John Falstrom. John has been posting excerpts and instructional videos around Facebook. Unlike the typical books I've purchased over the years, EADG 4 is easy to understand and there is no notation or tabs to read. What I like most is that he is speaking to the entire bass community, beginners and experience players who want to advance, and advanced players who want to continue to advance. John puts skin in the game. When I bought any other books, all I got was the book, the rest was up to me. No one would ever think of calling Mel Bay with a question. John responds to questions providing clarifications. In addition, he has about 40 videos on YouTube. John's quick response helped to accelerate my understanding of a segment in EADG 4 for immediate application in my playing. If you are looking for a good learning aid, I recommend John's book EADG 4." - Anthony (NJ-USA) 11/11/2014 |
"I just ordered your book and I can't wait for it to get here! I've heard nothing but great things about it!" - Jarrod (UT-USA) 10/21/2014 |
"EADG 4 is pure gold! At last, bass instruction that is straightforward, logical and written by a guy who clearly knows his subject inside out and upside down. A no-nonsense approach which cuts out all the crap! I have had this guide a couple of weeks now and I already feel like I know the author. This is the only bass instruction textbook you need. Buy it now because you will be amazed!!" - Marcus (Hampshire-UK) 9/26/2014 |
"Thanks for publishing this great book! Things I "learned" and never understood as a youngster are finally making sense." - Joe (CT-USA) 9/1/2014 |
"I must say without any doubt that EADG 4 is a great book! Everybody should have this book in their bass music library." - Greg (CA-USA) 8/22/2014 |
"EADG 4 is great for bass composers and students to improve skills." - Rodney (Los Angeles, CA-USA) 7/28/2014 |
"Great book for the musical brain. Thanks. I even learned some terminology that I didn't know. Very cool book." - Gregory (San Diego, CA-USA) 5/14/2014 |
"John is the most top notch bassist and instructor I know. He is absolutely fearless on the bass and plays with a no holds barred yet tasteful and melodic style of phrasing. His bass lines are unlike any player or instructor I have seen. As a former student of John's, I owe my playing perspectives, knowledge and outlooks on how to be a player with substance, melody and meter to his teachings and inspiration from him. If you have not seen John play in person or have his book, your missing out big time." - Mike (Chicago, IL-USA) 4/30/2014 |
"EADG 4 is the only teaching tool I've ever used and it got me to where I needed to be. Great job! Great system! Love it!" - Vincent (NY-USA) 4/30/2014 |
"Awesome" - K Das (NJ-USA) 3/1/2014 |
"Your students are lucky to have you as their teacher John!" - Carol Kaye (2/19/2014) |
"Well laid out theory instruction that would benefit any musician." - Steve (FL-USA) 2/12/2014 |
"John Falstrom is a real good playing cat! Knows his stuff too! If you need or want to learn some "real" bass, EADG 4 is the way to go!" - Mike (IL-USA) 1/6/2014 |
"Falstrom's EADG 4 is a quintessential book for bassists. Whether a beginner or advanced player the book has it covered. John has an ability to make learning not only useful, but fun. If you want to learn the circle of 5ths, the modal system, or one of my favorites, different ways of playing the scales; you can find all of this easily. Want to work on developing your own sound, well there is even a section for that. Do yourself a favor and get EADG 4, it is truly a complete instructional masterpiece." - John (IL-USA) 12/12/2013 |
"EADG 4 can take a beginning/intermediate bassist and turn them into a professional. It rounds out the knowledge necessary to play at a professional level, and has endless learning potential and capabilities. In my mind, other than a bass itself, this is the most essential piece of gear for any bassist, or musician in general for that matter as the theory applied here can be applied to every other instrument." - Ryan (Chicago, IL-USA) 11/2/2013 |
"Great book. A must have" - Rob (IL-USA) 10/13/2013 |
"It is the best way known to man for learning Bass the right way." - Ryan (IL-USA) 10/11/2013 |
"John's book is the key to infinite knowledge of the bass guitar. Front to back this covers everything you need to become an accomplished bassist. This book is a must have for anybody seeking a total understanding for the instrument. TCOB." - Joe (IL-USA) 10/11/2013 |
"I found myself a thirteen year-old boy wanting to play bass in a metal band. Now I'm an eighteen year-old boy who has played bass in a metal band - and has started his own acoustic band. Let me tell you what, I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without the help of John Falstrom or his book. It truly is the bassists best friend and his lessons and guidance helped me along the way. You pick up this book wanting to know how to play a bass and you set it down knowing how to master it." - Nick (IL-USA) 10/9/2013 |
"EADG 4 is one of the most comprehensive books I've ever read. I've toured internationally and have done session work for major film scores and countless recordings. None of that would be possible without this book and John Falstrom opening the door for me to better understand music theory. This book is required reading for anyone playing bass guitar." - Kevin (Chicago, IL-USA) 10/9/2013 |
"By far the easiest bass book I've read, very easy to comprehend, and for the price you can't find a better book, plus John makes the book even better with his explanation of the scales, circle of fifths, chords, etc. A very talented player, he has a gift at explaining theory & technique. You really can't beat this deal. You definitely get what you pay for & more." - Gary (IL-USA) 10/6/2013 |
"EADG 4 by John Falstrom is an exceptional book written by an exceptional musician and teacher. You can buy 10 books on learning to play bass, and many of them can be good but most are pretty much the same. EADG 4 is totally focused on the bass fretboard and teaches in its own style, one I found nowhere else. I'd get EADG 4 first. Note reading is a good skill, but not needed to understand what John Falstrom is teaching: to play, to really play the bass like its part of me. Is that too corny? It's true! And that's not all after studying EADG 4, learning to read a score should come a lot easier. I feel lucky to be a bass player. Those guys and gals studying other instruments don't have a book like this. They should get it anyway, because the lessons learned are useful to any musician interested in rhythm, melody and harmony. The price is a bargain. The cover mentions music theory, but really it's music theory learned by playing on the bass fretboard. Its practical! If the bass fretboard didn't exist, it would have to be invented for teaching music. Take a look at the table of contents. Everything you really need (which is what you really want) is there, and also some stuff you won't appreciate until you do it. To learn what you need to know to make music -- isn't that just what I wanted? Isn't that cool? Some of the 5-string bass players might think they need "BEADG 5", but "EAD 3" would have been good enough for all of us; you'll see what I mean. It does take practice, some every day is best. If you're a raw beginner you will still need a teacher. I studied music for many years with good teachers and didn't learn what EADG 4 has taught me. Didn't get any gigs either. Now I am happily playing bass in some serious contemporary Christian bands, praise Jesus, and jammin' pop with the guys and gals for fun. Lots of fun. Does it get any better?" - Tom (IL-USA) 10/3/2013 |
"Picked up my first bass guitar at age 45 and John Falstrom had me on stage a year later. Great book, Great teacher!!" - Bob (IL-USA) 9/25/2013 |
"This is a great book explaining music theory and applying it to the bass guitar. John Falstrom is very knowledgeable on music theory and does a great job showing how to use this information in your playing. A great source to come back to time and time again when needed." - Frank (IN-USA) 9/24/2013 |
"After playing bass for 20 years, I thought I was pretty good, but wanted to get to the next level. I bought this book and realized I was just scratching the surface. I knew little bits and pieces, but this book covers it all. It has all the necessary basics, but then it doesn't stop. There is so much good information here that you will be using this book years from now, just as you did when you bought it. Once you put all the pieces together, you can play any style of music, and understand it. I've progressed faster after getting this book than after any of the other books or videos I've bought in the past. Every bass player should have a copy of this one!" - Mark (IL-USA) 9/15/2013 |
"I went from knowing not one thing on the bass, to being able to sit in with the musician at my church. This book gave me more than enough exercises that has allowed me to "shrink the bass" so that the area that I'm covering isn't so big. My hands hurt sometimes, my fingertips become purple and I owe it all to this book. I love being able to play along with the music that I grew up listening to." - Kavin (IL-USA) 9/13/2013 |
"EADG 4 is the very best in bass guides, hands down. The concept behind EADG 4 is unique to other textbooks and it translates very well. It's approach is designed to give any student an advantage by not only explaining theory, but also showing application. EADG 4's layout easily communicates definitions and exercises making it even more fun to practice your bass! EADG 4 is Spot-On and is perfect for the player who is looking to accelerate quickly. It's perfect." - "Express" (Chicago, IL-USA) 9/10/2013 |
"If you want to get better at bass, this is the book for you. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, you need to have this book on your shelf. This book has lessons and methods that will add new dimensions to relatively simple songs, and will teach you how to come into your own as a bassist instead of just copying things you hear in songs. This book teaches in fingerings rather than tablature, which hinders learning, or notes, which halts creativity. I suggest you buy this book, sit down with a classic album, and learn how to play the bass part 10 different ways for each song, because it is possible with this book." - Nate (New Mexico-USA) 9/7/2013 |
"Theory for the bass is such an important aspect that must be learned if you are going to get to the next level on the bass. This book takes theory and puts it into play with easy to read finger patterns and examples of how to play the different modes.
This is a must have in your arsenal of tools and should be kept in your gig bag for reference!" - Thomas "TBone" Johnson (IN-USA) 9/5/2013 |
"EADG 4 is an exceptional book for beginners as well as experienced players. I learned how to play the bass by using EADG 4. In fact, I took bass lessons with the author, John Falstrom! Phenomenal person, phenomenal book. I recommend this book to anyone who is serious about learning the ins-and-outs of the bass guitar." - Evan (IL-USA) 9/5/2013 |
"I've purchased a number of instructional books for bass guitar over the years, but none compare to EADG 4. It's straight forward, easy to follow, and organized for quick reference. No bassist should be without it." - Dave (IL-USA) 9/4/2013 |
"John Falstrom does a stand up job of taking complex musical theory and breaking it down to what matters on the fretboard on the bass. This is the must have theory book if you plan on being a serious bass player. John takes a no nonsense approach and lays out everything he has learned in his years of complex theory study and breaks it down so it's simple to understand and what really matters to playing bass. Quite simply the best theory book for the bass guitar ever written!" - Matt (IL-USA) 9/3/2013 |
"This is a must buy book for every bassist. I reference it all the time for theory or just to stir up some writing ideas on bass. John Falstrom is the "Yoda" of bass. I was fortunate enough to have him as a teacher and a bass mentor. This book shows why he has a long list of successful students. He not only shows you how to play bass, but how to live bass. Do yourself a favor, buy this book. Then you can be a Jedi bassist! Thanks John for all you do!, keep on groovin!!!" - Jeff (Chicago, IL-USA) 9/3/2013 |
"As a former student of John Falstrom for many years and one of the first students exposed at the time in the development of his EADG 4 instruction book, I can honestly and wholeheartedly say this book is absolutely hands down the best instruction out there. John wrote this book in such a manner that whether you are a beginner or a veteran bassist you will be able to follow the materials and lessons in the book with ease. The book covers all spectrums of what a modern day bassist will and should want to know. He covers every angle from major/minor scales, modes, chords in major/minor keys, chord structures and an enormous amount of music theory any bassist would want to know, and written in a clear and concise manner. The book also includes what many other books do not in a detailed practice schedule and a variety of finger exercises to perfect playing dexterity and strength. As John is himself an actively performing bassist the book enlightens any student with all the tools, knowledge and skill needed by todays actively performing bassist. As a 25 year professional of several locally successful music acts and having used EADG 4 extensively as the backbone and framework of my own playing, there is not another instruction book I would ever recommend. If you want to be the very best bassist you can be, make sure you make EADG 4 the book that gets you there! It got me there and it will do the same for you!" - Mike (IL-USA) 9/2/2013 |
"When you purchase EADG 4, you get not only a theory book, but also the accumulated wisdom of a long-time dedicated professional. Along with theory, John includes advice on practice schedules, practice equipment, practice habits, finger patterns, fretboard memorization, instrument care, different types of basses, musical notation (learn it), tablature (lose it), and more. A valuable resource from an enthusiastic and encouraging instructor, my instructor, John Falstrom." - Bob (IL-USA) 8/14/2013 |
"This is probably the most comprehensive book on music theory as applied to the bass on the market right now. It's all here: scale patterns, arpeggios, chord and key relationships. One of the things that distinguishes this book from its competitors is Mr. Falstrom's treatment of the modes. Many books will merely present them as a anachronistic curiosity, and not a word on how to use them. Not so with this one! Falstrom gives us a full explanation of their relationship to the chords in the scale, how to use them both for improvisation and more pedestrian bass accompaniments. When you've finished digesting all that information, you'll wonder how you played without it! Another thing I liked about the book was that it includes a wealth of practical multi-octave scale patterns specifically for the bass. In most books I've seen, the bass scales were mostly retreads of guitar patterns i.e. one octave patterns across 3 or 4 strings in one position. This one shows you the patterns and appropriate shifts for playing scales in several octaves, up and down the neck. Although it is not primarily a technique book, it also includes a number of practice patterns to help you get all those new scales up to speed. All in all, this book has a wealth of information I've never seen elsewhere, and explained a lot of things I've seen (heard?) used in music, but didn't understand the rationale behind." - Scott (IL-USA) 8/11/2013 |
"You are a great teacher man" - Dave Tuckman (Owner/CEO of BassBooks.com) 8/4/2013 |
"Hey John, Your Highway Star and the Rickenbacker Bass video is one of my favorite videos on all of You Tube. I can't play it near as good as you yet, but your video really helped figuring it out. Your Adam's Apple and the Fender Jazz Bass video is near bass perfection. Love that tone. Anyway, amazing video. Thank you for sharing." - Gandalf (USA) 7/28/2013 |
"Dear Mr. Falstrom, First of all I want to congratulate you on your videos. It's not easy finding someone on youtube who is as serious as you are about learning and improving bass guitar skills. As a beginner I must say that your knowledge and skill (speed, technique,..) seems to be on an unbelievably high level. Nevertheless I find your videos comprehensible and informative. Certainly now that I've begun learning music theory myself. Which brings me to my main question. I'm twenty years old now, am I too old to really get into music and start playing bass? I will also say that I am closely in touch with music (of all kinds) every day, listening multiple hours every day since childhood. I know people always say that it's never too late but I've been given some mixed signals by my peers. In spite of that I intend to start playing bass since it has always been a dream of mine. Even though I am only a beginner in music theory, I can understand almost every term you use in your videos (even though I have to translate them from Dutch to English) and I look forward to applying what I've learned so far. I am grateful for your views on tablature. I would have gone that way if not for you.. It's because I find your playing and explanations so intriguing that I've started learning music theory to begin with. Again, thank you. I feel like it's a decision I will not regret. Even after as little as two weeks of studying daily, I feel that my musical horizon is getting much broader.. or maybe i'm just getting even more excited. Kind Regards from Belgium." - Aaron (Belgium) 7/15/2013 |
"I'm just getting into the modal system. My bass instructor says your book is awesome." - Donny Ragsdale (CA-USA) 3/13/2013 |
"Your book just came in the mail. It's awesome. Thanks for helping me out with learning theory." - Donny Ragsdale (CA-USA) 2/11/2013 |
"Got EADG 4 yesterday! Wow - awesome, very comprehensive, and I can actually understand it! I'll be in touch to let you know how I'm making out. Thanks for everything!" - Chris Calcagno (NJ-USA) 2/9/2013 |
"Thank you John! I received EADG 4 and started to read it. It is answering lots of questions I had on chords and double stops. I'm sure as I keep reading I'll find out more. It is impressive the amount of information you put together. Thank you!" - David Catalini (WA-USA) 1/17/2013 |
"Your book is without a doubt, one of the single most important tools I've ever used as a bassist. Thanks a lot and keep jamming!" - Bryan Slepicka (IL-USA) 11/6/2012 |
"Hi John, Thanks for the great videos and thanks in advance for the book. I am sure it will be a great help. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to your book." - Mark (CA-USA) 11/5/2012 |
"Received EADG 4 today. WHAT AN INVALUABLE LEARNING TOOL!! Thanks so much for what you have produced. I am an intermediate bass student (taking weekly lessons from a very in demand graduate school trained professional bass player). I have a plethora of books and CDs for beginners, etc., but your book is clearly a cut above. (Incidentally, I am a retired Air Force Flight Surgeon with a lifelong passion for the blues). Living here in Portland, Oregon I can literally go out and listen to the blues nearly every night of the week. Have been a member of the Cascade Blues Association for over 20 years (probably the finest blues organization in the country). Again, thanks for an amazing contribution on my journey to becoming a credible bass player." - Steve Task, MD (Portland, Oregon) 1/28/2012 |
"Hi John, just wanted to let you know how impressed I am by the wealth of musical theory in EADG 4. To be quite honest, I am a bit overwhelmed by how much I have to learn. I will take your advice and learn the fretboard of the bass guitar. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Peace and love to you and yours!" - Walter Green (Orange Park, FL) 1/12/2012 |
"Hi John, I got to see the book last night at my lesson. My teacher is great. He is a bassist, not a guitarist teaching bass. I'm 41 and he's around the same age as me. I've been taking lessons for about 2 months now. I really enjoy the bass and always found it a little more interesting than the guitar. Anyway, my teacher Andy has talked about your book before and pointed me to YouTube to watch some of your videos. I watched a couple of the first ones and learned some very valuable information, just by watching. Most of it was over my head at this point, but I picked up on a few key things that you said. I was so happy to show some improvement the next week, not in my playing, but in my knowledge. I want to play songs like everyone else, but more than that, I want to know everything about the bass. I want to know all the theory and circle of fifths. All of it. I want to play songs, but I want to know more than that. I want to be able to pick up the bass and come up with stuff myself. I want to jam along with my brothers on guitar, even if I don't know the song. Andy says that your book is the bible and when I got a chance to look at it last night, I agreed. This is stuff that I can get into. The student after me had a copy. I say student, but he must be around 50 and plays in a local neighborhood band. His experience with the book is that it taught him so much. He's still using it. He hasn't mastered everything, but it looks like he's been playing for years. I just wanted to say thank you for putting something like this together. I think that the Bass gets overlooked a lot, especially in today's modern music. But to me it's so much more. I will be learning this for a lifetime. Thanks." - Mike Frediani (Plainfield, IL) 11/4/2011 |
"Great book, thanks" --sellbass 8/31/2011 |
"EADG 4 is a must use book for beginning and intermediate bass players." --Vladimir (Macedonia) 10/29/2010 |
"I've actually taken lessons from John and bought the book before it was published officially. I reference the book over and over." --Marty (Hobart, IN) 8/30/2010 |
"The book is beyond all music theory books!" - MeanBassMachine (TalkBass.com) 6/1/2010 |
"A perennial favorite here for many years, EADG 4 by John Falstrom has just been updated a bit. Everything that made it a classic is still included, but John has added over 20 pages of additional content!" - Dave Tuckman (Owner/CEO of BassBooks.com) 11/1/2009 |
"Excellent! Super! A++++++" --joewho1 10/6/2009 |
"John, this book is amazing. You're the best. Thanks!!!" - Don Knudson (Arkansas-USA) 1/17/2009 |
"Great book! A new way to approach theory on the bass. Thanks!" - Joe Feole (Arizona-USA) 1/14/2009 |
"This is a very interesting and informative manual." - David Faggionato (Ohio-USA) 1/10/2009 |
"Great study guide. Cheers!!!!" --celloplay 2/29/2008 |
"Great bass book for a great price. Get this book if you're a bassist!" - Timothy Laws Sr. (Tennessee-USA) 1/11/2008 |
"Great book. If this doesn't help, nothing will!!" - Tim Monahan (Connecticut-USA) 11/13/2007 |
"Great book! Lots to learn!" --scissorlad 8/20/2007 |
"Check out this book (EADG 4) by a very accomplished bass player." - Robert Smith (BassPlace.com) 7/27/2007 |
"I've been wanting this book for a few years now as many players rave about it. Can't wait to crack it open!" - Jeff Widlacki (Illinois-USA) 5/22/2007 |
"Great book on theory." - Steven Campbell (South Carolina-USA) 4/16/2007 |
"I have read alot of good things about your book (EADG 4). Can't wait to get my hands on it." - Christopher Jones (Georgia-USA) 4/11/2007 |
"EADG 4 by John Falstrom is by far the best theory book I have come across aimed at bass players. It is no-nonsense and cuts to the chase." - Robert Smith (BassPlace.com) 1/31/2007 |
"Wow!!! Great book!!! Thank you" --tinner580 1/13/2007 |
"I have the book EADG 4. It's a great book on theory. It's helped me a lot. No notation or tab in it." - mobass (Ernie Ball Forums) 11/15/2006 |
"I think your book (EADG 4) is the best book out." - Mike Hopper (Madison, IN) 11/13/2006 |
"Excellent book on bass theory!" - Richard Liston (Circleville, OH) 9/28/2006 |
"(EADG 4), one great thorough book on mastering the bass." - Bart Coleman (Downers Grove, IL) 8/24/2006 |
"Simply the best (EADG 4)!" - Robert Smith (Cary, IL) 8/23/2006 |
"Awesome book (EADG 4)." - Todd Alvey (Kirkwood, MO) 3/9/2006 |
"Buy the book, it's great!" --bobsea2000 2/24/2006 |
"Bass players, check out EADG 4 by John Falstrom. His bass instruction book is excellent. It frees you from the reliance of tablature." - Dean Dawkins (USA) 2/1/2006 |
"Excellent material. A must have (book) for the bassist." - Wayne Gulley (Victorville, CA) 1/20/2006 |
"Mr. Falstrom, thank you for writing a wonderful instruction book." - Brian Tragash (Illinois-USA) 12/28/2005 |
"Hey John, I got the book (EADG 4) on Monday and it's great. Continued success to you and thanks for a great book. Every bass player should have it." - Bob Venetucci (McHenry, IL) 9/30/2005 |
"I just wanted to add something that's really cool about this book that needs to be mentioned. The writer, John Falstrom has a website which is eadg4.com. You can buy the book from there, look up info. from there, and the best thing is that there's a Forum there so you can ask him questions about things relating to the book or about life in general. He's a really cool, easy-going guy and he really knows his stuff." - Yo_bass (SputnikMusic.com) 9/25/2005 |
"EADG 4 by John Falstrom (the best bass theory book around)." - Firmly "Bass"ed Bass Lessons 9/19/2005 |
"I know EADG 4 has lots of scales and fingerings, plus tons of other useful stuff. Definitely take a look at this (book)." - Sputnikmusic.com 7/14/2005 |
"Thank you so much. Excellent book!" --jefphs 5/25/2005 |
"Mr. Falstrom, I am really excited to be receiving your book. I think what you've done is awesome." - Lawrence Walsh (Mokena, IL) 5/11/2005 |
"Another interesting book is John Falstrom's EADG 4. It really gives a different angle on bass theory from a wonderful point of view. They sell for $25 shipped and it's a great book, even considering there isn't any notation!" - Timothy (Madison, NJ-USA), FenderForum.com 3/23/2005 |
"Awesome material (book). Thanks!" --677444 3/21/2005 |
"I've heard great things about your book and look forward to going through it with my students. Take care and thanks!" - Randy Daudt (Washington-USA) 3/2/2005 |
"This is supposed to be a great book that I have ordered from my local music store, but it has been back ordered. It is called EADG 4." --Helstar666 (bassdogs.com) 2/25/2005 |
"Wow, great product (book). Thanks!" --mrsjennesquibel 2/22/2005 |
"Great book! I should of learned this years ago. A+++" --rallyzoned 2/16/2005 |
"I had been searching for a method that would allow me to understand the theory of bass guitar and apply it. Your text has done an exemplary job of it! Many theory books are dry and difficult to understand. Your book is a breakthrough allowing for ease of understanding and application! I would highly recommend EADG 4 Theory Textbook For The Bass Guitar to all bassists from Beginner to Pro! The text is superbly formatted in an easy to read style providing invaluable information for bassists of all levels and all styles! The principles of theory are easy to understand and apply thanks to your text! This text is definitely a must have in every bassist's arsenal of learning material! Thank you for taking the time in composing such an invaluable learning tool!" - Jean (Bronx, NY-USA) 1/5/2005 |
"Superb Learning tool!! For every bassist, beginner to pro" --invisiblecop 1/5/2005 |
EADG 4: Best Book To Learn Bass Theory "I recently purchased EADG 4 off ebay. I just finished reading it and would share my experience. Let me start by telling you I am self taught, which works great for the physical playing part, but is easy to miss some important theory. So I was looking for a book to cover all the major theory with bass. I bought 5 books before this one and they were all bad. Then I saw this one for $23.00 on ebay, and thought I would try one more. This book was great! It covered everything from practice schedule, scales, modes, chords, terms, 12 bar blues, and much more. It doesn't cover any technique, it is only theory. But for anyone looking for a good book on musical theory applied to the bass, this is the book." - James (Pennsylvania-USA), MusiciansForums.com 12/14/2004 |
"Excellent book. Highly recommend!!!" --ale_house 11/13/2004 |
"If you are looking for something to improve your bass skills, check out the website EADG 4 (eadg4.com) and check out his book." - CloudSeeker2001 (DropZone.com) 10/18/2004 |
"I have learned every mode scale and pattern in one year from EADG 4. It has basically everything from arpeggio's to seventh chords. I recommend it a lot." - John Clark (Illinois-USA), Basslinks.nl 8/14/2004 |
"I can't state too strongly how pleased I am with EADG 4!! This guy Rocks!!!!!" --whirlspinner 8/2/2004 |
"This (book) was the absolute best transaction I've had on eBay. Thanks" --jcccole 6/21/2004 |
"My son is looking foward to learning theory for his bass. We have heard many great things about your book! I taught piano years ago and realize the importance of learning theory. Keep up the great teaching approach." - Nadine (Stockton, CA-USA) 6/11/2004 |
"EADG 4--Great bass theory book--Thanks John! A+" --keeptheshinysideup 6/11/2004 |
"Excellent book! Thank you!" --bernie53058 6/5/2004 |
"EADG 4 is great if you want to learn theory." - romac (TalkBass.com) 6/3/2004 |
"Everyone who plays bass should buy this book (EADG 4)." - Mark (IL-USA) 5/26/2004 |
"Once you've got the fundamentals down (on the bass guitar), get a theory book like EADG 4 by John Falstrom and learn some theory." - Ross Macdonald (Lancashire, England), ActiveBass.com 5/1/2004 |
"I've been looking for a book just like this. It's great! thank you!" --dixiebug 3/1/2004 |
"Yes!!! This is one of the greatest books ever written. I bought it before the summer and I always keep it close by. Definitely worth the money." --YO_bass (sputnikmusic.com) 2/6/2004 |
"Yeah, it's my bible. Had to read it a few times to fully get all of it, but now I'm a theory king." --Radiohead_fan (sputnikmusic.com) 2/6/2004 |
"I hear EADG 4 is kick ass. I'm going to get it soon." --dark_hatchling (sputnikmusic.com) 2/6/2004 |
"I have the EADG 4 book and I love it. I'm actually starting to understand theory." --mstrbss2412 (sputnikmusic.com) 2/6/2004 |
"A very helpful bass instruction book. Thanks!" --hdrkwb 1/10/2004 |
"The best theory book I have ever read is EADG 4 by John Falstrom. Everything I know about theory is credited to this book. It costs $25.00, but is worth its weight in gold." --YO-bass (sputnikmusic.com) 11/15/2003 |
"Awesome! Really helped me out with my bass playing and theory" --fiverblue 10/20/2003 |
"This (EADG 4) is the most complete and comprehensive bass book I have bought. GREAT!!!!!" - Jose (Puerto Rico) 8/5/2003 |
"EADG 4 has become a consistent seller. Kudo's to you!" - Dave Tuckman (Owner/CEO of BassBooks.com) 7/17/2003 |
"(EADG 4), The best five stars" --hiramguild 6/28/2003 |
"I teach bass lessons and this book is all I use for the theory portion of my lessons. It is one of those books you read as a reference and each time you go back, you find something new. Great book------a must have!!! I tell my students before they buy additional bass equipment, they must buy this book first---------The Bible of Bass Theory." - Jay (North Carolina-USA) 6/21/2003 |
"I have purchased many, many bass books and this by far (EADG 4), is the most valuable book I've purchased." - Al (Canada) 5/31/2003 |
"Excellent! Cool book! Thanks!" --bassguy54 4/26/2003 |
"We really like your book. We think you have done a great job with it." - BassBooks.com 8/18/2002 |
"Fantastic product (book). Recommended!" --hagleba 2/20/2002 |
"Rated ***** Five out of Five Hearts" - BunnyBass 10/31/2001 |
"Great book John--Thanks!" --34865375 8/27/2001 |
"Great product (book)!!! A++++" --bassiiiii 6/6/2001 |
"Great company (EADG 4) to deal with. They take care of business and are 5A+++++" --lively1s 3/24/2001 |
"This is a very informative book. It got me back to the basics and beyond. Thanks." - Ron Griffith (bass player for The Lively Ones who's single Surf Rider was used in the movie Pulp Fiction) 3/21/2001 |
"This is a great book! Highly recommend" --john505 3/15/2001 |
"EADG 4 by John Falstrom is a bass theory method that is very helpful in gaining scalar and chordal insights into the bass guitar. The book is set up in 4 sections beginning with scales and eventually taking you into a myriad of useful patterns that all bassists will find both musical and challenging" - David C. Gross, Bassics Magazine, Vol. IV, No. 1, 1994 |